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One of the major and frequently asked questions by an employer during the interview is: "Do you have work experience?" This is that one important question that will determine your destiny. In today's corporate world, having prior work experience will give you a big edge over the other candidates during interview. So, the next question, where do we gain that experience? A student's schedule is always packed, with semesters, assignments, seminars, extra and co-curricular activities, College culturals etc etc. Now comes the magic word "Internships". So what is an Internship? defines an internship as "an agreement between you and a company or organization for a fixed period of time, such as a semester or quarter. You agree to work for them and they agree to mentor and teach you; internships can offer valuable insight into a particular field or career. Most internships are unpaid but some offer a low wage; many internships are organized through colleges and high school programs. Many companies go on to hire their successful interns full time"

So, an Internship is usually done by a student to gain "rich experience" and "hands-on training" in a particular arena. Some internships offer stipend, some may not. But in the end, what matters is the work experience, and the knowledge which you gain from these Internships. In few varsities, it  may also be mandatory for students to do Internships, and credits will be given on the basis of the Internship done by the students. So, the next question that we should ask ourselves is: "Where do I find an Internship?" , are some of the sites which provide information on the Internships. Once you land in any one of these sites, you'll have to give your personal details, upload your resume, choose the internship which you wanna do, and hit "apply". Some internships may ask you questions while you apply, and depending on the answer, they might or might not select you. So be careful and think twice before answering those questions! 

Internships can be  areal fun, if you select the right one. I did a cricket journalism internship recently, and enjoyed so much! So choose the one that you are most likely to enjoy , execute it with passion and witness the value it adds to your resume for yourself! Good luck guys and gals!

2 comments so far..What are your thoughts?

  1. Nice share Sowmya.This will be very helpful story for our student readers.


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