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Welcome to the most visited page on our site after the “Explore” page.We Have A Story is a famous & recognized website.We allow article submission in 2 ways, be a member author and get listed in our authors page or guest post submission.This will help you as a writer to showcase yourself and your blog/website in front of our broad audience.We are always looking for good writers who can write original quality articles to be a part of our growing community.

Please Read the complete Terms and Conditions below

Why you should post at We Have A Story? 

We Have A Story is a popular site, so you will get lots of exposure when you submit your article at WHAS. This include one backlink to your website/Blog which means more traffic for you + the recognition and popularity.Once your post is published at WHAS, it also gets posted to our Facebook page,Twitter and other social media sites and will also reach our RSS and E-mail subscribers.You get the maximum exposure.

Guest Posting Terms and Conditions: 

Article Quality : Your article should be fresh and unpublished.Don't submit old articles published somewhere else.You can submit articles on any topic like Stories,Poetry,Current affairs,Love,Life,Sports,Fashion,Photography,Education,Politics,Social issues,Charity,National news,International news etc etc.Every article should be at least 500 words long to a max 1500 words long, except for poetry and Photography related posts.Use of unprofessional language, grammatical error and irresponsible reply to comments shall lead to rejection of the post.

Link backs: Don't disturb our readers with heavy Self Promotion.You are allowed to use 1 backlink from within your article to your own blog post or some other quality source only if it is related to the topic and no Affiliate link.You can add a link back to your blog below each of your article e.g. Author : Admin.

Copyright : By submitting article to We Have A Story, you give us the copyright ownership of the post.The credit as the author still goes to you.This helps us to deal with any kind of DMCA related issues.In case we found out that you have copied article from somewhere else, including your own website/blog, we will instantly ban you and remove all your articles and comments.

Others : After your article is published make sure to share it with your friends n family for extra Likes/shares and it also helps you to make your article a popular post at WHAS.The posts with the maximum visits becomes a featured post, it remains a featured post as long as the article remains popular.You can make your post popular by writing a strong article.People love reading something important or something that helps them, no one likes a useless product.

Conversation : When your article is published and readers comment on your article,try to reply them via comments.By doing this you will build a strong relationship and at the same time gain more exposure.You should use a Google profile for the same.

Any other queries regarding guest posting at WHAS, do let us know via form below.


Content of the post must be original, and should not be reproduced anywhere else, even in your own blog/site or any other medium before or after it is published on WE HAVE A STORY.Articles must be unique and written only for  We Have A Story.That's the only thing we want from you, in return  you get a permanent link back per article.

Use of unprofessional language, grammatical error and irresponsible reply to comments shall lead to rejection of the post.You must check back from time to time and reply to comments and reader’s questions on your articles.Reading and Commenting on other WHAS articles is optional but a huge plus point to build a good relationship with our authors and readers.

Note: Guest posters will be gifted with all legal rights like signature links and a brief author intro.

I am interested, how should I get started?

Good decision, now just fill out the registration form below and submit.You must include your website or blog address,if you don't have a blog/website attach your sample articles.You will get a reply in case you are selected.You have to be a regular contributor to join the member authors panel.In case you can't be a regular contributor, but still want to post, you can do the same as a Guest author.Mention clearly if would like to become a Member author or Guest author while filling the form.

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We reserve the right to change these conditions at any time, so please check for changes.

  1. I filled out the info requested and was shown "invalid email."

  2. I don't have a website but I submitted a link to my Facebook notes.Please read the notes and reply me if I can submit my articles.I promise I will submit fresh articles.Thanks for the opportunity.

    1. You will definitely get a reply in case you are selected.

  3. Oh okay...I finally got it. Thanks. Will start browsing the web and submit my article.


Copyright Notice

This site, the articles and the graphics on this website are © by We Have A Story and are protected by DMCA.Reproduction in whole or in part,whether on paper,on the internet,on CD-ROM or any other medium,including utilization in machines capable of reproduction without our permission is illegal and strictly prohibited.

Some photos used by our authors in their articles are from Google image search or some other sources which they like.If you think they used any copyrighted photograph,drop us an e-mail with the details and we will remove it immediately.
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