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O friend, What is love?

The entire world is so beautiful in my eyes, so young so smiling. Green and fresh.. fresh blue is my sky, green is the garden. The fading moonlight, the tender bud, all are like my existence. They hum their songs of happiness, they laugh all day.. they meet their death this way. They know no regret, no grief of life.
The flowers falls while it is bright, the moonlight fades smiling its way.. smiling all the way the stars hide themselves behind the light.
Who is as happy as the way I lead my life? O friend come to me. Let me tell you the story of my happy heart, lest you forget your grief. You cry all day, lets give you a moment of happiness. Let us forget all grief for that one moment, let us celebrate and sing together finding the meaning of thoughts, friend what are grievances..? You all talk about love all day.. friends what is love?
Friend, what are thoughts? what are feelings? You all talk about love all day.. O dear friend, what is love? Does love really hurt? Is it the reason of your tears? or the deep breath of grief? Then what happiness lures you to wish for this grief? O friend, what is love?

Photograph courtesy: Anirban Saha Photography
The above post is an attempt of directly translating an extract from Nobel Laureate Rabindranatha Tagore's song - "Sokhi bhabona kahare bole" to English. I beg your pardon if I went wrong somewhere.

6 comments so far..What are your thoughts?

  1. Another nice post Anirban.The photograph is superb and it speaks for itself.Great job with the camera as well as the pen. :)

  2. Anirban, your poem starts off as if we are looking at the world through a child's eye ~ The entire world is so beautiful in my eyes, so young so smiling. Green and fresh.. fresh blue is my sky, green is the garden. ~

    Then it moves on to love, hurt and tears. I love how you start "here" and we end up "there" in this poem.

    I am sure the next person reading your poem will see it in a totally different light I see it. But that's what a good poem does right? It allows everyone to see it in their own way....

    The picture is so sweet, she is a cutie

    Thanks for sharing
    Debbie ~ newest author here at "We Have A Story"

  3. This is beautiful Anirban. What is love that brings with it so much pain? Why do we dwell on the sadness and grief? Loved it.

  4. Beautiful poem and photography - very well done!


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