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A story of three eggs

My friend told me this as a joke in one of our casual talks in the college campus. It is about three eggs.
There were three eggs on the top of the table. They decided to jump on the floor down.
The first egg jumped but it landed without getting broken. Reason: It knew the technique.
The next thing was another egg following the jumping. It also landed unbroken. Reason: It copied the first one.
And finally the third one jumped but broke upon landing. Reason: IT WAS OVER CONFIDENT!
The moral that I drew out are:
1. Confidence is good, but little more than confidence becomes overconfidence and it is no more a good thing. There is a problem common amongst us. We take so much of others so low and predictable while we keep ours so much high that one can actually end up being able to chew it up. And often many fail. It just wasn’t so easy. It just wasn’t something I imagined to be thin and straight. It was something bigger, something bigger than we actually supposed ourselves being able to do it without so much of hard work and passion. Confidence means that you are sure about yourself being able to take it the other thing in whatsoever manner it comes. It builds you positive energy. It makes you trust the things you know about it. But overconfidence makes you underestimate the person you are going to deal with, the exam you are going to appear in, the deal you are going to sign in, and it leaves you in abject disbelief and self-shame at the end.
2. Do not try to copy if you don’t know how to paste. And how many of us today do that????? This has become a trend. There is so much as plagiarism as copyright. It’s so easy to actually open the fridge and eat up the washed apple than to go to market, look for it, bargain, buy, and clean to put it in fridge. It wastes no time and it tastes same. But there is a sense of pride in coming up with something of our own. It gives so much a self-confidence and delight. You are actually glad and fulfilled. But if you end up with someone’s tea in your cup, and you are asked about the ingredients and the procedure, the tea that tasted sweet would soon be wished as a sour when it actually puts you up in confusion and dumbness. One should give a thought before he denies of reinventing the wheel.
3. Nothing is granted. Everything has its own price. One need not even take luck as granted. It doesn’t come always without any price. We trust so much in fluke at times. Of course we land up sometimes in such circumstances where we can’t do anything than to trust for something to come out and clear the situation. And it does happen sometime, but not always.

5 comments so far..What are your thoughts?

  1. Welcome to WE HAVE A STORY...and I love your post..very insightful,and good for every one ...nothing is granted...I have come to terms with this..will look forward to more.

  2. This is amazing!
    Liked the way you classified the things so clearly with description. You have a effective writing skills :)

    Keep Up The Good writing Dear :)
    Take care !!

  3. "It’s so easy to actually open the fridge and eat up the washed apple than to go to market, look for it, bargain, buy, and clean to put it in fridge".......Fantastic Line and True...Very nice article :D

  4. Thank you people....thank you so much for making me the part of this group....your interest in my work would help me become a good writer...and it inspires me to write so many things which would be worthy of your effort and time...


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